Break Open the Piggy Banks Australia, Because Jetstar Will Be Slinging $19 Flights Post Covid19

As Australia’s border closures begin to lift, you can expect to see the price of domestic flights drop to less than a takeaway pizza. In a recent open letter to travellers and stakeholders, Qantas CEO Alan Joyce has announced that Australians could be flying for as little as $19 once the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. […]
Ghost Plane: What It’s Like To Fly During The Coronavirus Travel Ban

Find out what is like to fly during Coronavirus travel ban from Europe’s busiest airport. “Planes are still flying from London?” We are currently living in an age where the question may sound just as absurd as the old ‘pigs can fly’ assertion. Coronavirus (COVID-19) has cleared most of the world’s skies, but few flights […]
Substitute Travel For These Easter Isolation Activities With Your Kids

Switch out your Easter holiday plans with these at-home alternatives. With all non-essential excursions on hold until further notice, Easter activities around the country have been shot to shreds. There will be no annual caravan and trailer pilgrimage down the coast, and campsites around Australia will remain closed to the public on what is one […]
Pimp Your Zoom Chats Thanks To Tourism Australia

The best backgrounds to take you all around Australia. What a time we live in. We’ve traded our weekend gatherings for pottering in the garden at home, and friendly catch-ups over coffee are now strictly done via video calls. Apps like Houseparty, Facetime, Skype, and Zoom, and their video calling capabilities, have become our saving […]
Stuck at Home? Get Onto These 5 Travel Themed Boredom Busters

Right now you might not be in a position to get out and travel the world due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, so why not bring the world to you? It’s our job to inspire you to get out and explore that glorious globe we live on but, obviously, travel isn’t always feasible. So, what do […]
How You Can Still Travel The World In Social Isolation With These Live Streams

The show must go on – with live streams. There is no doubt that it is a weird, murky time in our lives. With travel restrictions changing by the hour in relation to preventing the spread of COVID-19 aka the Coronavirus, our day to day routines have become uncertain. Even the thought of planning holidays […]
How To Avoid Getting Sick When Travelling

Stock up on these health-smart travel essentials to avoid getting sick when travelling – especially in the times of COVID-19. It is always important to be mindful on how you can best avoid getting sick when travelling because getting sick on your dream getaway is the stuff of nightmares. Here we list the items that […]