Australia Open Launches Australia Is Open Campaign

The Australian Open has used the world-class tennis event to help launch a much-needed message 'Australia Is Open' - sending a simple but important message to the world.

Australia Open Launches Australia Is Open Campaign

The Australian Open has used the world-class tennis event to help launch a much-needed message 'Australia Is Open' - sending a simple but important message to the world.
Australia Is Open

The Happy Slam’s simple but important message – Australia Is Open.

The Australia Open has used the world-class tennis event to help launch a much-needed message for tourism in Australia that ‘Australia Is Open’ – sending a simple but important message to the world.

“There’s only one thing I love more than tennis and that is Australia,”


Following the devastating national bushfires affecting many parts of the nation, the Australia Open and its friends have come together to put the word out – in the hope to engage audiences around the world to plan a visit to our special part of the world.

Twitter: Chris Hemsworth and friends have a few words to share about Australia

It’s a strong reminder to the world that Australia is open for business and what a great use of Australia Open’s global platform to help Australia’s tourism industry jump-start its recovery after being hit so hard by the recent bushfire tragedies.

For further details about Australia Is Open Campaign visit

The latest travel alerts and advice around bushfire threats visit Tourism Australia Provides Bushfire Safety Advice & Alerts.

So Where Next? For Australia travel inspiration visit Travel Australia.

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